Oceanside Music Constitution and By-Laws

(formerly the Parksville and District Music Association)


1. Members and Associate Members of the Association are the subscribers to the Constitution and By-laws and shall include everyone who agrees to become a Member, agrees to abide by the Constitution and By-laws of the Association, and meets any terms of membership as may be imposed by the Board of Directors.

2. Associate Members do not participate in any musical group. They are accorded full voting rights and may serve on the Board of Directors.

3. The annual Membership and Associate Membership fees shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors.

4. A Member shall be deemed to be in good standing when they have paid their current membership fee.

5. A Member may withdraw from the Association by submitting a resignation and returning any materials belonging to the Association.

6. A Member may be expelled from the Association by an extraordinary resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of Members present at a duly constituted general meeting.

7. If any Member fails to pay the annual membership fee or any indebtedness to the Association, the Directors may remove their name from the membership register. Such a Member may be readmitted upon terms and conditions set by the Directors.

8. Any Member who resigns, withdraws, or is expelled shall forfeit all rights, claims, and interests associated with their membership.



9. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May each year at a location within the province as determined by the Directors.

10. Fourteen days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be provided electronically and/or via a notice in a local newspaper. Non-receipt of the notice by any Member shall not invalidate the meeting or its resolutions.

11. For meetings where a special or extraordinary resolution is proposed, fourteen days’ written notice shall be provided electronically and/or via a notice in a local newspaper.

12. A quorum for a general meeting shall be three Members entitled to vote. If no quorum is present within fifteen minutes of the scheduled start time, the meeting shall be adjourned.

13. Each Member in good standing shall have one vote; proxies are not permitted.

14. Votes shall be taken by ballot or show of hands as determined by the meeting.

15. The President, or in their absence the Vice-President, shall preside over general meetings. If both are absent, the Members present shall select a chairperson.

16. Meetings may be adjourned to a later time if necessary, without requiring additional notice.


17. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director of Marketing and Communications, elected at the Annual General Meeting and eligible for re-election. The Past President and one representative from each sponsored group shall also serve on the Board.

18. The Board shall oversee the Association’s affairs, contracts, and decisions, in accordance with the Societies Act of British Columbia.

19. Directors must be Members in good standing. A Director’s term ends when they cease to be a Member.

20. Board vacancies may be filled by the Directors from eligible Members.

21. A Director’s position may be declared vacant if they resign, miss three or more meetings without excuse, or are expelled. A successor may be appointed to serve until the next Annual General Meeting.

22. Any Director may be removed by an extraordinary resolution passed by a majority of Members at a general meeting.

23. Directors shall receive at least one day’s notice of Board meetings.

24. Board decisions require a majority vote; the chairperson has a casting vote in the event of a tie.

25. The Board shall set remuneration for Musical Directors and contractors as needed.

26. Musical Directors are deemed to be Members under By-law #1.

27. The Board may hire contractors to assist with the Association’s objectives.

28. The President, or the Vice-President in their absence, shall chair Board meetings.

29. The Board may establish regulations for the musical groups organized by the Association.


30. The Treasurer shall receive, deposit, and disburse the Association’s funds, with disbursements only made under Board-authorized resolutions.


31. The Secretary shall maintain minutes of all Association and Board meetings, including proceedings, questions, resolutions, and decisions.


32. The Board of Directors shall have control of the Association’s funds and shall determine their use by resolution.


33. For the purpose of carrying out the Association’s objectives, the Directors may borrow or raise funds as necessary.


34. The Directors shall ensure that all required books and records are properly maintained.

35. The Directors shall determine the conditions under which Members may inspect the Association’s books and records.


36. The accounts and books of the Association shall be examined annually by one or more auditors appointed by the Board of Directors. The auditor’s report shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.


37. The By-laws may be amended, altered, or added to only by an extraordinary resolution of the Association.

38. An extraordinary resolution shall require a two-thirds majority vote of Members present at a General Meeting.


39. The By-laws shall be interpreted in accordance with the Societies Act, R.S.B.C. 2016.

40. Terms referring to the singular or masculine gender shall include the plural and feminine or gender-neutral equivalents where applicable.


41. Organize and establish bands, choirs, and orchestras.

42. Promote, sponsor, and organize concerts, performances, and music education programs.

43. Provide opportunities for the development of musical talent and appreciation.

44. Acquire, rent, or construct facilities to support musical activities.

45. Participate in public and private events such as concerts and festivals.

46. Acquire musical instruments, instructional materials, and related resources.

47. Raise funds through fees, donations, and other sources to support the Association’s objectives.

48. Collaborate with other musical groups and societies with similar objectives.

49. The Association’s activities are primarily conducted within School District 69 in British Columbia and surrounding districts.